Important Banking Sector Reforms & Acts

S.I No Names of the Banking Acts and Reforms Years
1 Negotiable Instrument Act 1881
2 Indian Trusts Act 1882
3 Indian Stamp Act 1899
4 Co-operative Societies Act 1912
5 Indian Partnership Act 1934
6 Insurance Act 1938
7 The Companies Act (Amended) (legislated in 1956) 2015
8 Securities Law (Amendment) Act 2014
9 Factoring Act Rules 2011
10 Government Securities Act 2006
11 Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act 2002
12 Shipping Development Fund Committee (Abolition) Act 1985
13 Securities and Exchange Board of India Act 1992
14 Chit Fund Act 1982
15 Customs Act 1962
16 Central Sales Tax Act 1956
17 The State Bank of India Act 1955
18 Insurance Act 1938
19 Central Excise Act 1944
20 Public Debt Act 1944
21 Employees’ State Insurance Act 1948
22 Contingency Fund of India Act 1950
22 The State Financial Corporations Act 1951
22 The Banking Regulation(Companies) Rules 1949
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